Drop-down list (also referred to as a drop-down menu, a pull-down list, and a pick-list), is a common component or feature used on web pages to narrow down options offered by the web page. Here's a small snippet of
JavaScript code that demonstrates how to create the drop-down list on a web page.
The list options are stored in the array:
JavaScript code that demonstrates how to create the drop-down list on a web page.
The list options are stored in the array:
var listArrayOptions = new Array("Red", "Green", "Blue", "Black", "White","Yellow");
JavaScript code that populates the drop-down list:
for(var i = 0; i < listArrayOptions.length; i++) {
var opt = listArrayOptions[i];
select.innerHTML += "<option value=\"" + i + "\">" + opt + "</option>";
The code below is documented and easy to follow but if you have any question please leave a comment.
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<title>JavaScript - Drop-down list demo</title>
<div style="border: 1px solid black; width:500px; padding:20px; margin:auto;">
<h1>Dropdown List Demo</h1>
<!-- Div tag to display button click results -->
<div id="displaySelection"></div>
<!-- Creating the dropdown list -->
<select id="dropDownList"></select>
<!-- Button calling the GetSelectedValue() function -->
<button onclick="GetSelectedValue()">
Click to display selection
// list array
var listArrayOptions = new Array("Red", "Green", "Blue", "Black"
, "White","Yellow");
var dropDownListDom = document.getElementById("dropDownList");
dropDownListDom.innerHTML = "";
/* for loop to iterate the arry into the dropdown list
* i = index & opt = text
* Select.innerHTML append the index and the text
for(var i = 0; i < listArrayOptions.length; i++) {
var textValue = listArrayOptions[i];
dropDownListDom.innerHTML += "<option value=\"" + i + "\">"
+ textValue + "</option>";
// Function, on button click the index number and the text value is displayed.
function GetSelectedValue() {
var myPick = document.getElementById("dropDownList");
var resultValue = myPick.options[myPick.selectedIndex].value;
var resultText = myPick.options[myPick.selectedIndex].text;
document.getElementById("displaySelection").innerHTML =
"Selected index =>: "+ resultValue + " ----- " + "Selected text =>: " + resultText;
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