Microsoft Excel Shortcuts

Microsoft Excel is a powerful application for spreadsheet processing and an indispensable tool widely used around the world to run businesses to personal finance. Whether you’re an Excel power user or an everyday user, we

How to partition a hard drive on Windows 10

Partitioning a storage device such as the hard drive is the process of dividing the physical storage system; whether it's a hard drive or a solid-state drive (SSD), into smaller sections for the purpose of organizing  folders and files.

Windows 10 – How to remove the check boxes from the files and folder

Browsing the Windows File Explorer you might have see check boxes next to the files and folders icons, and if you’re on a desktop environment you might not necessarily want the check boxes appearing. The check boxes

How to create a virtual USB001 port if none appear under printer ports list

If, when you're trying to install a printer via USB cable, for some reason the “USB001 Virtual printer” port under the list of available printer ports isn’t available or not appearing as it should under "Add Printer",“Use an